Show your love for World of Warcraft with a personalized figure for your wedding

The perfect wedding cake topper for World of Warcraft fans If you are a fan of World of Warcraft, the most popular online multiplayer role-playing game in the world, you would surely love to have a personalized figure for your wedding that represents your love for this fantastic universe. At HandcraftedGladys we offer you the opportunity to create the perfect wedding cake topper for you and your partner, inspired by the game that you are passionate about. At HandcraftedGladys we are experts in modeling figures by hand with porcelanicron mass, a non-edible and resistant material that you can keep as a treasure after your wedding. We do not use molds, but we create each piece from the photos and description that you send us. We can capture any detail that you want, from the emblem of your faction (Horde or Alliance?), your race, your class, your equipment, your skills, your pets, your mounts or any other element that identifies you as a player. An example of our work is this couple...